Vincent Van Gough Irises 3D Art Canvas from


Prepare to be amazed by the perfect blend of creativity and sensory exploration with our Iris Flowers 3D Air Dry Clay Sensory Arts and Craft Kits! Available now online in the UK at

Whether you're an adult, a teen, or a kid, this incredible kit will transport you into a world filled with artistic wonder and endless possibilities. Available exclusively in the UK at, OktoClay is here to take your arts and crafts game to the next level. Get ready to unlock your inner artist as you mould and shape vibrant iris flowers that come to life in astonishing 3D detail using our high-quality air-dry clay. Immerse yourself in pure joy as you engage all your senses during this captivating activity pretending you are actually Vincent Van Gough himself! So seize the moment and indulge in the sheer delight of crafting these beautiful flowers with our Iris Flowers 3D Air Dry Clay Sensory Arts and Craft Kits for making 3D Art Canvas with Irises - an experience like no other!  

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